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High anticipation for this podcast. The original content Ryan presents is inspiring - especially coming from the aspect of struggle…because we all do. It’s motivating to learn and grow from the best climbers in the world. If you’re a rock climber, this podcast is sure to be at the top of your favorites list!

Going to be huge!
Stoked to see what’s in store here knowing the lineup in store, and the creators involved. Let’s go!!

Five star potential for sure!
Fired up to hear from the experts and see how they overcome their struggles. Excited to learn and get better. Super cool concept Ryan, great job!

Everyone struggles
This is a truly brilliant idea for a podcast because everyone can relate to struggle- and it wonderful to hear from people at the top of their game about how they deal with it, and what they learn from it. The format of asking guests the same set of questions is really smart, and the line up of distinguished guests is insane. I love Ryan’s natural delivery and fun personality. I’m incredibly excited about this show!

So Good
Even though I’m not a huge climber and I love the podcast. The people that attempt and succeed at these crazy feats blow my mind and I love hearing their stories. I watch all them on streaming services and and this is a great way to get more!

Proof we all struggle
Absolutely love this concept! Super stoked to hear about the trials and tribulations of pro athletes. Proof that they are human too. Can’t wait!

Can’t wait for more!
Ryan is a natural at hosting and facilitation of amazing conversations. Not only that, but he’s pretty darn funny too. This show is super well done, high quality and I can’t wait to hear from the athletes and experts alike to get the stoke going!